Aux origines de l'endettement public : gouverner la dette dans l'Europe méditerranéenne (XIIe-XVIe s.)

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Aux origines de l'endettement public : gouverner la dette dans l'Europe méditerranéenne (XIIe-XVIe s.)
Referencia de proyecto/Project Code
Investigador principal/Principal Investigator
Investigador principal externo/External Principal Investigator
Jamme, Armand
Investigadores externos/External Researchers
Ortí Gost, Pere Tello Hernández, Esther To Figueras, Lluis Carrier, Nicolas Gaulin, Jean Louis Lenoble, Clemént
Fecha de inicio/Start Year
Fecha de finalización/End Year
Institut des sciences humaines et sociales (INSHS-CNR)
CSIC - Institución Milá y Fontanals (IMF)
The objective of the project is to study the processes of invention, management and adaptation of medieval societies to the idea of public indebtment. These societies were largely living upon credit before the XIIth onwards, and the political powers obviously used as well the loan to face increasing necessities. But during the XIIe- XVIe s. we pass from punctual and short-term borrowing to a large-scale indebtment, which in certain cases was consolidated, becoming then one of the reasons of govern. Indebtment is then conditioning fiscal policy, banking and accounting techniques, development of the economy as well as social behaviour. Taking as ground of investigation various models of power closely connected, we want to study here, by an attentive reading of the numerous preserved sources in the South of France, Iberian and Italian spaces, the developments, justifications and sociocultural consequences of this phenomenon.
Fuente de Financiación/Funding
Programas Internacionales para la Cooperación Científica (PICS). Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Fecha de actualización/Last update