Estadísticas de la Colección: (EBD) Comunicaciones congresos

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Mapa Geográfico
Región #
NA - North America 7410
EU - Europa 4108
AS - Asia, other 3743
SA - South America 569
OC - Oceania 99
AF - Africa 53
Desconocidos 18330
Total 34312
País #
US - United States of America 7002
CN - China 3385
ES - Spain 1839
IE - Ireland 622
DE - Germany 463
FR - France 422
MX - Mexico 260
GB - United Kingdom 188
KR - Korea 166
RU - Russian Federation 150
other - Other Country 19815
Total 34312
Ciudad #
Ashburn 1569
Hangzhou 1364
Boydton 869
Boardman 533
Beijing 515
Dublin 464
Zhengzhou 313
Madrid 261
Seattle 248
Xinxiang 127
other 26398
Total 32661
Trabajos más visitados #
ID: 239469 - Cambios temporales en la estructura de las comunidades de matorral de la Reserva Biológica de Doñana: diversidad funcional y resiliencia 1295
ID: 53883 - Pattern-Oriented Modeling of Agent-Based Complex Systems: Lessons from Ecology 743
ID: 53901 - Análisis de viabilidad de la metapoblación de lince ibérico de Doñana: una estrategia de manejo adaptativo para su conservación 667
ID: 36407 - Decline of relict centennial cork oaks in Doñana (SW Spain) and potential deleterious effect of tree-nesting colonial waterbirds 555
ID: 355639 - Primeros datos de área de campeo del jabalí (Sus scrofa L., 1758) en Galicia 496
ID: 53880 - Lynx reintroductions in fragmented landscapes of Germany: Projects with a future or misunderstood wildlife conservation? 462
ID: 80227 - Amenazas bióticas sobre el alcornocal centenario de Doñana: ¿demasiadas para sobrevivir? 461
ID: 57007 - XIV Congreso Nacional y XI Iberoamericano de Etología. Libro de resúmenes. Con la participación de: Museo nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN) y El Instituto de Investiagción en Recursos Cinegéticos (IREC) 429
ID: 355166 - Tendencia temporal de la tuberculosis en la comunidad de ungulados del Parque Nacional de Doñana 416
ID: 89847 - A multiple-threatened centenarian cork oak population at the heart of a World Heritage site: how can we manage it to prevent extinction? 409
ID: 324925 - Molecular characterization of Carnivore protoparvovirus-1 in wild carnivores in Spain reveals wide host range and cross-species transmission 406
ID: 53881 - Estimating plant migration rates under habitat loss and fragmentation 401
ID: 80216 - Alteraciones biogeoquímicas mediadas por aves en el alcornocal de la Reserva Biológica de Doñana: efectos en las comunidades microbianas del suelo 401
ID: 355296 - Distribución de mesocarnívoros en los Montes Propios de Jerez mediante foto-trampeo 397
ID: 459118 - Invasión de ecosistemas fluviales por cangrejo rojo americano, Procambarus clarkii 383
ID: 53868 - Population differentiation and restricted gene flow in Spanish crossbills: not isolation-by-distance but isolation-by-ecology 375
ID: 53898 - Searching for DNA in museum specimens: a comparison of sources in a mammal species 368
ID: 325331 - El ánsar común en Doñana: tendencia poblacional, su comportamiento migratorio y la huella de Aznalcóllar 361
ID: 48824 - El decaimiento del alcornocal en el Parque Nacional de Doñana: papel de los cambios bióticos y abióticos en el suelo 360
ID: 53895 - The effect of phenotypic traits and external cues on natal dispersal movements 358
ID: 265778 - El Alcornocal de Doñana: pasado, presente y futuro 357
ID: 53875 - Fragmented landscapes, road mortality and patch connectivity: modelling influences on the dispersal of Eurasian lynx 344
ID: 53894 - Human-Related Factors Regulate the Spatial Ecology of Domestic Cats in Sensitive Areas for Conservation 341
ID: 325514 - Comparativa de métodos para estimar la abundancia de ungulados silvestres, con especial énfasis en el jabalí 338
ID: 89855 - Wading bird detritus impair seedling root growth in a unique centenarian cork oak population: implications for rorest regeneration 337
ID: 317808 - Can we predict the potential (or probable) distribution of Phytophthora cinnamomi far from its native habitat? The Andalusian case 334
ID: 77786 - Coevolution and the architecture of mutualistic networks 328
ID: 248418 - Influence of multiple stress sources on cork oak seedling susceptibility to Phytophthora cinnamomi 326
ID: 125824 - Above- and belowground interactions between native and invasive species affect both tree health and alien expansion 325
ID: 66389 - Queen-signal modulation of worker pheromonal composition in honeybees 324
ID: 80240 - Efectos del escenario hídrico y la contaminación aviaria del suelo sobre la emergencia y crecimiento de plántulas de alcornoque: una aproximación experimental 323
ID: 328488 - Age and sexual differences in the exploitation of two anthropogenic food resources for an opportunistic seabird 319
ID: 254676 - Predicting the worldwide potential distribution of the boatman Trichocorixa verticalis verticalis (Fieber, 1851) (Order: Heteroptera; Fam: Corixidae) 316
ID: 36363 - Cork oak diseases at Doñana National Park (SW Spain) 316
ID: 51285 - Servicios y calidad, la visión de las bibliotecas 315
ID: 53886 - Importance of Buffer Mechanisms for Population Viability Analysis 311
ID: 360344 - Evaluation of the network of priority feeding areas for scavengers in Spain: from biodiversity conservation to ecosystem services 310
ID: 80221 - Variabilidad espacial en la abundancia de micorrizas y sus consecuencias para el crecimiento de plántulas en alcornocales con decaimiento 296
ID: 255183 - The interplay among human, biotic and abiotic factors explains quick Phytophthora cinnamomi spreading and tree decline in a Mediterranean Biosphere Reserve 291
ID: 64793 - Habitat-related differences in foraging behaviour between sympatric Red-knobbed Coot (Fulica cristata) and European Coot (Fulica atra) in Morocco. 287
ID: 372583 - Individual specialization of an opportunistic predator living in human landscapes 286
ID: 355285 - Ancient or anthropogenic population fragmentation?: Modelling the demographic history of an endangered cross-backed grasshopper from the Iberian Peninsula 285
ID: 53873 - Foraging conditions ‘at the end of the world’ in the context of long-distance migration and population declines in red knots 285
ID: 318988 - Assessing the trophic ecology and ecological role of small and medium pelagic fish in the Mediterranean Sea; insights from diet studies, isotopic data and food-web models 281
ID: 36352 - Need for control of Phytophthora root disease of cork oaks at Doñana National Park (south-western Spain). 278
ID: 41120 - Influencia de las deyecciones aviarias en la distribución de oomicetos en el suelo de alcornocal en el Parque Nacional de Doñana 277
ID: 333361 - Reptile and amphibian allochthonous species and populations in Spain. Proposal for a revision of the regional and national catalogues of endangered and protected species, and the national catalogue of invasive species 276
ID: 358339 - Colonizing new habitats and meeting new neighbors: Trophic relationships between the expanding round sardinella and coexisting small pelagic fish in the NW Mediterranean Sea 274
ID: 67598 - The social organisation of Eurasian badgers in Spain 273
ID: 341967 - Old practices of pond deepening and their effect on biodiversity in the Doñana temporary pond network 269
ID: 329008 - Continental-scale dispersal of aquatic organisms by migratory waterfow 268
ID: 325654 - Genetic signatures of a recent anthropogenic regression in an avian top predator during the last century: bottlenecks and expansions of the Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo) in Iberian Peninsula 267
ID: 457481 - A multidisciplinary study to understand inter- and intraspecific agonistic interactions between two invasive species of freshwater crayfish 266
ID: 355122 - Blood levels of heavy metals and arsenic in black-necked grebe Podiceps nigricollis during the moulting period in the Odiel Marshes, SW Spain 264
ID: 59417 - Influence of bird faeces in the behaviour of the root rot of Quercus suber caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi at Doñana Biological Reserve (SW Spain) 264
ID: 125854 - Does increasing stress affect oak seedling susceptibility to a lethal invasive alien? 263
ID: 351839 - The marine ecosystem of Little Penguins in the Bass Strait, Australia: an integrated snapshot using ecosystem modelling - Ecopath 260
ID: 301687 - Identification of flaviviruses and phleboviruses from insects in southwest of Spain 255
ID: 358321 - Bioenergetics of European sardine: Simulating environmental influences on population dynamics in the western Mediterranean Sea 253
ID: 355394 - Use of molecular techniques to assess dispersal abilities of oak pest insects: applications for the biological control of acorn borer weevils in dehesas and montados 252
ID: 325711 - Múltiples ornamentos sexuales del macho de herrerillo común (Cyanistes caeruleus) reflejan su calidad genética 250
ID: 355303 - Integrating genomic data and information on spatiotemporal landscape heterogeneity to test alternative demographic models in a Mediterranean grasshopper 248
ID: 35962 - Phytophthora root disease: a new threat for cork oaks at Doñana National Park (south-western Spain) (Com. Cong.) 247
ID: 356302 - Size does matter: morphology, sexual expression and sex ratios in Pseudoscleropodium purum across Europe 246
ID: 59414 - Quick dissemination of Phytophthora cinnamomi threatens biodiversity in a World Heritage Site (Doñana Biological Reserve, SW Spain) 239
ID: 325193 - The use of bromadiolone to control vole outbreaks is passed on to non-target species: implications for conservation policies 238
ID: 329491 - Colony size and foraging range in seabirds 231
ID: 329755 - Seed dispersal in anthropogenic landscapes: incorporating the role of individual decisions by animal dispersers 230
ID: 339412 - The expansion of monk parakeet in mediterranean urban areas: implications for the transmission of parasites by native and invasive vectors 230
ID: 339414 - Urban blackbirds have shorter telomeres 229
ID: 358342 - Ecological and functional role of key fish species from the pelagic community of the Mediterranean Sea 229
ID: 355831 - Infección experimental de perdiz roja (Alectoris rufa) con bagaza virus (BAGV): Patología y distribución de antígeno 227
ID: 325753 - Influencias de la edad y del ambiente en dos rasgos melánicos en machos adultos de cernícalo vulgar (Falco tinnunculus) 218
ID: 385082 - Investigating the ecology of an opportunistic predator living in urban ecosystems: the yellow-legged gull in Barcelona 218
ID: 355280 - Identificación de actividades sustentables complementarias a la ganadería ovina: el caso del turismo rural en Santa Cruz 217
ID: 325068 - Desarrollo de un índice de agregación de individuos espacialmente explícito: los ungulados del Parque Nacional de Doñana como caso de estudio 216
ID: 339424 - Strangers spreading diseases: the role of nonindigenous species as vectos of blood parasites for endemic threatened forest bird species in Chile 216
ID: 350656 - Feeding ecology of two demersal opportunistic predators coexisting in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea 216
ID: 339411 - A preliminary overview on the influence of rehabilitation on blood parasite infection in wild owls Strigidae 215
ID: 355646 - Desarrollo de estándares europeos comunes para describir y compartir datos espaciales sobre la abundancia y distribución de mamíferos silvestres 215
ID: 355822 - Assessment of lead and pesticide exposure in the declining population of red breasted goose (Branta ruficollis) wintering in Eastern Europe 210
ID: 325774 - Gallináceas ovoparasitando rapaces: ¿error o necesidad? 209
ID: 325519 - Uso del espacio e interacciones espacio-temporales entre jabalí y ganado: repercusiones sanitarias en Doñana 206
ID: 355503 - When parasites are good for health: learning from brine shrimps exposed to arsenic and avian cestodes 206
ID: 358680 - Temporal trend of the fishing niche habitat of Nephrops norvegicus (L.) in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea 206
ID: 245638 - Investigating the food web in the NW Mediterranean Sea with stable isotopes and modelling results 201
ID: 325231 - Desarrollo y evaluación de un índice de agregación espacial: los rumiantes del Parque Nacional de Doñana como caso de estudio 200
ID: 351352 - Exploring the relationship between carboxylesterase activity and trophic habits of abundant and threatened chondrichthyans in the Western Mediterranean 200
ID: 326222 - Pedigree-based estimation of effective number of breeders in Iberian amphibians: the role of mating system in population status assessment 196
ID: 325232 - Uso de Sistemas Aéreos No Tripulados (UAS) para el estudio de la ecología espacial de mamíferos: comparación con el seguimiento telemétrico mediante GPS-GSM 195
ID: 326195 - Effects of lead shot pellets contamination on oxidative stress biomarkers and plasma biochemistry in turtles 195
ID: 325877 - Spatial risk for tuberculosis in relation to domestic and wild ungulate distribution assessed by unmanned aerial systems 192
ID: 358345 - Who did it?: Assessing potential pressures on small pelagic fish populations of the NW Mediterranean Sea using a qualitative modelling approach 190
ID: 325530 - Modelling the TB spatial risk in a complex multi-host system assessed by drones 187
ID: 325189 - Scientific research for an environmentally friendly management of common vole outbreaks in agricultural areas of northern spain: a BBVA Foundation project 182
ID: 371297 - Interspecific Artemia responses to sublethal zinc exposure 182
ID: 537763 - Functional biogeography of vertebrate scavengers drives carcass removal across biomes 182
ID: 325110 - Measuring Pb exposure and effects in greylag geese and purple gallinule from Doñana using fecal analysis 180
ID: 324928 - Patterns of exposure of Iberian wolves (Canis lupus) to canine viruses in human-dominated landscapes 175
ID: 371776 - Effects of Zinc exposure on life history traits and oxidative stress in native and invasive brine shrimps 175
Total 30021

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2019 00 0787677740 723585541854 818790 6515
2020 826615 788832694930 408821712363 388704 8081
2021 610943 772881572637 4925385411015 346114 7461
2022 76215 174335212229 44944137203 182300 2556
2023 330198 266218288217 218171366496 433766 3967
2024 549379 38534900 0000 00 1662
Total 34312