ORPHEE_DATA file contains herbivory, concentration of phenolics and concentration of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) data for Q. ilex trees under different tree diveristy and water avalibility treatments Columns: TREE = ID of each individual tree (N=96) B = experimental block Irrigation = Irrigation treatment; no = non-irrigated; yes = irrigated Plot = Plot number Diversity = Tree Diversity treatments; Q = Q. ilex monoculture; Q+B = Q. ilex + Betula pendula; Q+P = Q. ilex + Pinus pinaster; Q+B+P = three species combination) H = Height (m) D = Diameter (cm) Herb = mean leaf herbivory class by chewing insects. TC1 - TC7: Phenolic Compounds indentified as condensed tanins (mg g-1) TH1 - TH12: Phenolic compounds identified as hidrolizable tanins. (mg g-1) LIG1 - LIG2: Phenolic compounds identified as lignin precursos. (mg g-1) FLAV1 - FLAV23: Phenolic compounds identified as flavonoids. (mg g-1) TCT: Total condensed tanins (mg g-1) THT: Total hydrolizable tanins (mg g-1) LIGT: Total lignin precursors (mg g-1) FLAVT: Total flavonoids (mg g-1) X1-X44: VOCs that were not monoterpenes or sesquiterpenes MT1-MT23: VOCs identified as monoterpenes ST1-ST17: VOCs identified as sesquiterpenes TVOC1: Monoterpenes + sesquiterpenes TVOC2: Total VOCs TMT: Total monoterpenes TST: Total sesquiterpenes VOC_IDs file contains the IDs for VOCs codes in ORPHEE_DATA file RT samples is the retention times for each compound VOC_ID is the identification for each identified compound Classification is wether compounds are monoterpenes, sesquiterpene, or other type ID in Data is the ID code that is on the ORPHEE_DATA file *Please do not hesitate to contact corresponding author Carla Vázquez-González for any query to cvazquez@mbg.csic.es*