Work: Data files obtained in the manuscript 'Spatial inhomogeneities in the sedimentation of biogenic particles in ocean flows: analysis in the Benguela region' Authors: Monroy Pérez, Pedro; Drótos, Gábor; Hernández-García, Emilio ; López, Cristóbal Contact details: Hernández-García, Emilio Issue date: April 2, 2019 Identifier: Citation: Monroy Pérez, Pedro; Drótos, Gábor; Hernández-García, Emilio; López, Cristóbal; 2019; Data files obtained in the manuscript 'Spatial inhomogeneities in the sedimentation of biogenic particles in ocean flows: analysis in the Benguela region' [Dataset]; DIGITAL.CSIc; Abstract: Sedimentation of particles in the ocean leads to inhomogeneous horizontal distributions at depth. The present dataset contains density and trajectory data for particle sedimentation computed from the velocity field given by a ROMS simulation at 1/12 x 1/12 degrees of horizontal resolution in the region of Benguela (south east Atlantic). Direct particle sampling as well as the result of a geometrical approach are included. Parameters used in the sedimentation simulations (Table 1 in the manuscript): Parameter Values Settling velocity Vs 35, 40, 45, and then from 50 to 225 m/day using steps of 25m/day Coarse-graining radius R from 10km to 100km using steps of 5km Starting depth -100m Final depth -1000m Integration time step 6 hours Starting date 20 August 2008 Description of the files: ** FILES dproj[Vs]mday[R]m.pdata (in folder GeometricalCalculations): These files contain data of the geometric computation of the density factor, where [Vs] is the sinking velocity and [R] is the radius of coarse graining. Each line correponds to a particle trajectory, and the columns are: Traveled time [days]| initial position (lon, lat, depth[meters]) | final position (lon, lat, depth[meters]) | final unit normal vector(x,y,z) | final velocity (vx, vy, vz) [m/day] | projection |stretching | factor density| flag beaching | flag depth | "flag depth=1" means that the tracer has reached the final depht (1000m), otherwise is equal 0. "flag beaching=1" means that the tracer has reached the coast,otherwise is equal 0. If flag beaching=1 or flag depth=1 the integration stop. The trajectories used for coarse graning correspond to flag depth=1 and flag beaching=0. ** FILES dproj[Vs]mday[R].cgdata (in folder HistogramCalculations): These files contain the coarse graining of the geometric computation results, where [Vs] is the sinking velocity and [R] is the radius of coarse graining. Each line corresponds to a grid point and the columns are: grid position (lon, lat, depth[meters]) | Land Ratio | number of arriving particles | Density factor | Projection | Stretching | Test Factor density | Test Stretching | 'Test Factor density' and 'Test Stretching' are approximate computations which are not described in the manuscript. ** FILES chis[Vs]mday[R]mdist.pos (in folder HistogramCalculations): These files contain the histogram computation of the density factor, where [Vs] is the sinking velocity and [R] is the radius of coarse graining. Each line correponds to a grid point and the columns are: grid position (lon, lat, depth[meters]) | Land Ratio | number of arriving particles | Density factor| Access and reuse: Format: Referring article: